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QUOTE: "We can talk about it when I'm out of the shower."

Abbi has lived alone since her parents passed away in a car accident a few years ago. She lives a pretty mundane life in her small, Alabama town. That is, until Stoic arrived.

Though not what she would call "book smart," Abbi is a clever girl, and she's not afraid of a little danger. When tiny demons invaded her bedroom in the middle of the night, she was less concerned about finding out demons exist... she was instead more concerned with how to get Stoic's attention!

Abbi has been entrusted as a keeper of an ashstone... a powerful gem that can be used for evil in the wrong hands. It's her job now to keep the gem hidden from danger. Although she knows that a little danger might just bring Stoic back her way...  


Real Name: Abbi

Occupation: Gas Station Clerk

Classification: Human

Stoic Unlikely Sanctuary



This website as well as all characters and comics listed therein, copyright Jay W. Davis / One Shot Productions, unless otherwise noted.