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Ms. DelainoEpsilon


QUOTE: "Stop punching that building!!"

He's fast, he's strong, and he's got big hair. He's... Dynamotastic!

Dynamo wants nothing more than to be a public hero like the Torpedo. He dreams of fighting crime and saving innocent lives. And he's got the powers to do it... too bad he doesn't know how to find the action. But who could blame him? He's just a kid.

That's right, Dynamo's a student in elementary school. Not even his crime fighting pals Wink and Lady Titan know Dynamo's secret. He's a schoolboy until he smacks his fists together and says the magic phrase: Dynamotastic! Then he's transformed into that groovy 70's hero with the orange jumpsuit, king-sized bling, and fantastic fro!

Dynamo's powers go beyond the quick-change and super strength. His powers are actually fueled by his imagination, potentially making him one of the most powerful in the world... someday. For now, the extent of Dynamo's power is stunted by the limitations of his own thoughts. Dynamo's look and power come from his father's love of blaxploitation heroes in comics and movies. In time, as the boy matures, there's no telling how his transformative powers will grow.


Real Name: Unrevealed

Occupation: Student (elementary)

Classification: Human, Gifted

Project Nation,
Czarbots Attack,
What's the Matter



This website as well as all characters and comics listed therein, copyright Jay W. Davis / One Shot Productions, unless otherwise noted.