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Ogburn FamilyParry Tyler

The Page

QUOTE: "I don't know if I can kill a saracen when we find them."

The page has lived a sheltered life. As the personal servant and errand boy to the young lord, the page hasn't seen much of the world. Though curious about girls, he's far too timid to talk to them. Although he may just be an errand boy, he does get to spend time with the young lord... something that the poor farmers' daughters wish they could. In a way, this makes the page feel quite privileged to be a part of the young lord's life. After all, the young lord is such a great example of bravery, strength, and faith.

When the page learned he was to accompany his young lord east on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, he was was more excited than nervous. Sure he knew it would be dangerous, but he was willing to go wherever his young lord went. After all, they wouldn't be alone. There would be other armed men on the pilgrimage as well. And maybe they would be lucky enough to meet a beautiful maid along the way!


Occupation: Page

Classification: Human

Vampire Crusade



This website as well as all characters and comics listed therein, copyright Jay W. Davis / One Shot Productions, unless otherwise noted.