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 Doom Squad: Fitz and Starts - Illustrated by Jay W. Davis

 Doom Squad Character Profiles

GunnMindfieldJack FitzPrideWrath


Fitz and Starts
Of all the powers in the universe, Sergeant Jack Fitz has the power to create bubbles. Though the other sergeants look down on his "gift," Jack finds his power extremely useful to his work. When one mouthy sergeant pushes Jack's buttons, he learns firsthand just how useful.
Illustrated by Jay W. Davis

Entrance Exam
Following the events of "Pride's Fall," Slade Dagan sits bruised and bloodied. Gunn and Mindfield discuss Slade's suitability for Doom Squad.
Illustrated by Curtis Rhodes

Pride's Fall
(Print comic currently unavailable)

Gifted with wealth and super-human abilities, Slade and Madison are on the verge of joining a new government-funded team of heroes... but can a haunting dream help them survive their next mission?

Illustrated by Jason Negen


This website as well as all characters and comics listed therein, copyright Jay W. Davis / One Shot Productions, unless otherwise noted.